Pasta Berruto

Pasta Berruto
Spaghetti integrali bio con cotechino e lenticchie

Organic wholemeal spaghetti with cotechino and lentils


Whole Wheat Spaghetti 400 gr

Clove of garlic 1

Chopped carrots

Cotechino 1

Shallot 1

2 or 3 tomatoes

Lentils 100 gr

Rosemary to taste


Take the cotechino, clean it from the skin and chop it and pour it into a pan with oil and a head of garlic, the chopped carrots and brown it. Take 2 or 3 tomatoes, blanch them and then cut them into cubes, take the lentils (which you have previously cooked). In another pan, sauté together with the diced tomato and then add the cotechino that you have browned. Then drain the pasta and season it. You can add a sprig of rosemary.
500 gr
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2 spighe
500 gr
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500 gr
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500 gr
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500 gr
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500 gr
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500 gr
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2 spighe
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